Q) What is this mod?

A) They alter how Dota looks on your screen. Some cosmetics make heroes and spells harder to recognize. This mod will disable and revert all these to default:

– hero & courier models
– minimap icons
– pets
– spell particles
– spell icons
– spell sounds
– item icons
– many others

Q) Is this a scam? Is it virus?

A) No and no. You can see this mod’s humble beginning from posts back in 2017. You can also see many comments from people with questions, issues and suggestions.

Q) Can I get banned from using this mod?

A) Short answer, no. Long answer, unlikely – myself and many other people have used this mod for years now with no problem. Valve knows about these mods and either do not care or cannot be bothered. However, I take no responsibility for any damages caused by the use or installations of these mods.

Q) How do I use this mod ? Is it complicated to install?

A) The instructions are very simple and can be found in the download link on my Patreon.

Q) Would the mods be overwritten if Dota updates.

A) No. However, if Dota releases new cosmetics then this mod will not disable those until the next update. The latest update will be available on my Patreon.

Q) Will other people in my game see that I’m using mods?

A) No.