Features & Updates

Here is a showcase of some new features of the mod that often go unnoticed.

Pets are disabled —

When Zeus Arcana kills you there is a lightning border. This is disabled —

A lot of sounds of spells from arcanas and immortals are reverted to default. In Dota audio cue is just as important as visual cues.

Currently I’m working on the new immortal’s sounds and spell icons. Stay tuned for updates.

I’m back! (Pudge arcana update)

Well sort of. I have made a commitment to spend a bit more time working on Dota mods now.

I’ve started of with completely removing the Pudge Arcana, the model, particles and minimap icons.

Things to come

Other immortals. I know there has been a lot of other immortals that’s been released recently. I will be looking through them to fix some of them up. If you have one you particularly hate leave me a message! 🙂

Taunts taunts taunts! Recently I noticed a massive amount of distracting taunts in treasures. Currently in the mods there are already a lot of taunts disabled (such as Zeus mario jump). But I will be looking to disabled all the taunts in the future.

Recently Valve changed the way to packed icons. This broke all the old skill icons and item icons. Such as Axe molten claw Blademail and Bounty Hunter’s track icon from Hunter’s hoard.

I will be working on a fix for all of the above, additionally I will be looking to add a lot of quality of life changes. Such as adding treads icon toggle hints.